Case Report: Effect of Oral Rehydration Solutions Added to the Conventional ‎Treatment Protocol for the Treatment of Parvoviral Enteritis

Document Type : Original Article



Highly contagious CPV-2c, third variant is an enteric pathogen affecting dogs across the world with high morbidity (100%) and frequent mortality (up to 10%). The effect of adding oral rehydration solution to conventional treatment protocol for the treatment of canine parvoenteritis was studied at a NPI veterinary teaching hospital in February, 2078.CPV infected dogs were brought to the hospital for treatment once a day. As per standard treatment protocols, antibiotics such as Amikacin, Metronidazole, and Ondem were given as an antiemetic and intravenous fluid therapy was administered.Administered IV fluid may not be able to maintain the dehydration & electrolyte loss from severe vomiting and diarrhea at home.In order to facilitate faster recovery and reduce mortality, we recommended oral rehydration solution in standard treatment protocols on next five clinical cases of canine parvoenteritis.The ORS corrects dehydration and electrolytes loses throw vomiting and diarrhea in parvoviral infected dog at home and may foster a more rapid return to voluntary appetite as well as improved caloric intake so that it prevents dogs from weakness and debility.Dogs consumed the ORS along with IV fluid demonstrated a more rapid return to normal phase Compared to treatment with only IV fluid therapy.This is only a case study so it is needed to do further statistically evaluate the efficacy of ORS during CPV recovery.


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