Ultrasound-guided Auriculopalpebral and Retrobulbar Nerve Blocks in Donkeys

Document Type : Original Article



This study aimed to evaluate the usefulness of ultrasound guidance for auriculopalpebral 
and retrobulbar nerve blocks in donkeys. Hence, this study was carried out in two phases: 
Phase 1 (cadaveric study); in which the heads of three donkey cadavers were used (one for 
preliminary anatomical investigation and two for evaluation of ultrasound-guided injection 
of 1ml of methylene blue 1% around each nerve) and phase 2 (live animal study); in which 
donkeys were randomly assigned for each of ultrasound-guided 
auriculopalpebral(using 1ml of lidocaine 2%) and retrobulbar nerve (using 6ml of 
lidocaine 2%) blocks on different eye sides of  the same animal. In Phase 1, the landmarks 
for ultrasound-guided injection of auriculopalpebral and retrobulbar nerve blocks were 
determined. Staining of the proposed nerves with methylene blue under ultrasound 
guidance was also assessed.  In phase 2, success and complications following nerve blocks 
were determined. Ear dropping and akinesia were recorded 5±0.5minutes after 
auriculopalpebral nerve block and lasted for 42±3 minutes. Exophthalmoses of the eyeball, 
mydriasis, immobility of the globe and corneal anesthesia were evident 6±1 minutes 
following retrobulbar nerve blocks and lasted for about 100±11 minutes. No complications 
were recorded following nerve blocks. On conclusion, ultrasound guidance could be useful 
tool for successful and safe auriculopalpebral and retrobulbar nerve blocks in donkeys. 


Main Subjects